Friday 2 October 2020


I am so excited that RESISTOR by C.E. Clayton available now and that I get to share the news!

If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book be sure to check out all the details below.

This blitz also includes a giveaway for a $10 Amazon GC & a copy of the eBook courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours & the C.E.. So if you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below.


About the Book:

Title: RESISTOR: An Eerden Novel (Ellinor Book 1)

Author: C.E. Clayton

Pub. Date: October 1, 2020

Publisher: C.E. Clayton

Formats: Paperback, eBook

Pages: 320

Find it: GoodreadsAmazon, KindleB&N, Buy A Signed Copy

Read For FREE With A Kindle Unlimited Membership!

Ellinor Rask has wanted one thing for the past eight years: vengeance. But when Ellinor is captured, she finds herself dragged back into the world she walked away from, entangled once more with friends she would rather forget.

As if that weren’t humiliating enough, Ellinor learns first hand that her magic can be stripped away by a piece of bio-tech—and her ex-boss is happy to leash her with the technology in order to get what he wants. If Ellinor behaves, the device will be removed. All she has to do is deliver a package. One containing a creature created from raw magical energy and discarded technology. Simple, right?

But when her goals start getting people murdered, Ellinor has to decide if the year’s planning, her honor, and even her own magic, are worth the lives it’s costing. Dodging ruthless gangsters, she finds herself on the run with a creature of immeasurable magical abilities alongside her one-time friends. Now, Ellinor must relearn to trust the people she once abandoned. She must put her faith in technology, and her life in the hands of independent contractors, all while racing to deliver the package before it gets taken by force, or worse, the creature decides to make an appearance itself.


THIS WAS not the first time Ellinor Olysha Rask found herself bound and chained, and she very much doubted it would be her last. This was the longest she had ever been incarcerated, however.

Ellinor leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes, though it made no difference in the pitch black. She wiggled against the rough wall, never getting comfortable. The restraints clamped over her wrists chaffed at her skin. She lost count of the days she’d been locked in the rank cell, but she supposed it didn’t actually matter how long she’d been there, only how much longer she’d be staying. 

She sighed loudly, her patience long gone. Not that she had been blessed with an abundance of composure to begin with, but her restraint had diminished considerably since Misho’s death.

Heaviness settled on her chest and shoulders as she imagined Misho’s disapproving tsk at her current predicament, and her chin started to quiver. Gritting her teeth, she knocked her head against the bumpy wall to focus her thoughts. She always lost control when she thought about Misho Shimizu, and she didn’t want to lose what little control she had left. She needed to conserve her energy.

For what? There’s no telling how long I’ve been here, or who took me. Time to stop waiting.

She hadn’t recognized who grabbed her, or how they had gotten the drop on her. She had been drinking, of course, but no more than usual. One minute, Ellinor was meeting with a contact who had information about the Ashlings she was hunting. Ashlings who needed to answer for what was done to Misho. The next? She couldn’t remember. The air—her own power!—had betrayed her. Everything went white and hazy, and a fog rolled over her memories.

She sat up straighter against the wall, breathing deeply, ignoring the aches and pains of her cramped muscles. Whatever had happened, poisoning or a knock over the head, had left her weak. Concentrating had been a chore, let alone summoning her magic. She knew she wasn’t at full strength, but better to do something than continue to wait around for whoever had nabbed her to remember they had her locked away.

Ellinor had heard of humani, beings like her, who were strong enough in air magic to blow apart buildings, and who had the skill to dismantle the most intricate of machines without destroying any of the delicate parts. Ellinor had never been that strong, nor that finessed with her talents. She had enough of the talent to make her someone most would shy away from, and it had been more than enough for her job. Using the air, she could turn otherwise fatal blows from knives or projectiles away, and coupled with her own abilities for creating mayhem, her magic had served her well, or well enough, until Misho died.

Then her power turned her into someone, something, most didn’t want to talk about. Someone the remainder of her family distanced themselves from. She lived only to avenge Misho.

The seersha, though . . . now they would have no trouble using wind to blow apart this cell, no matter how far underground they’d have to pull the air. They’d be able to use that same current to wrap themselves in an impenetrable force field then simply sail away like some cocky bird.

That didn’t mean she couldn’t cause some trouble, though.


About C.E.:

Born and raised in Southern California, Chelscey has stayed within a 60 mile radius of Los Angeles her whole life, something she has been told is rather unique. She attended the University of Southern California for both her undergraduate studies and master's degree, specializing in Communication Management. Then one day, she moved to New Orleans with her husband, two cats, and her dog. Getting all 5 of them there from Los Angeles to New Orleans becoming an incredible adventure in and of itself. And then doing it again as they returned to Los Angeles two years later was equally as adventuresome.

Chelscey met her husband in high school, embarking on a journey that could best be described as "your grandparents love story". Meaning that she married her high school sweetheart, she has also been told that this is a terribly romantic story though it all seems rather common place to her. After they both finished college and began working, they got married and adopted 2 cats, because Chelscey's husband loves cats. Chelscey herself is more of a dog person, but it took them a bit longer to adopt a dog then it did the cats...

Once upon a time Chelscey also worked in the advertising industry. She worked on a wide variety of accounts, everything from fast food, to automotive, and video games. The latter of which was more of her passion as she had researched and written her master's thesis on if playing video games with your romantic partner helped or hurt the relationship (she found it did neither).

In case you haven't noticed by now, Chelscey is a proud nerd. She collects the Uncanny X-Men comic book series and plays video games. It made her uniquely qualified to work in the gaming industry on the advertising side of the business. And while she still loves gaming, she became disillusioned with the politics behind advertising and how it affected a medium she considers to have great creative potential. And while Chelscey has always been a passionate lover of writing and reading (particularly Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Historical Fiction) she never thought that she could turn her passion into a career. But opportunity rarely knocks more than once and Chelscey decided to answer the door, even without fully knowing what would lay on the other side.

Chelscey is also a big fan of tattoos (she has several herself) and dying her hair. Currently, Chelscey's favorite color was her ombre blue mermaid hair. She felt it was important for you to know this.

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Giveaway Details:

3 winners will receive an eBook of RESISTOR, International.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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