Thursday 18 August 2022

One is a brave soldier, the other a deadly terrorist. A camera will decide which man survives.

The Major is a seasoned field agent, and neutralising a target is routine for him. But everything about Operation Turquoise, from the target to the weapon, is disturbingly unconventional. Alone in a foreign country, the Major must execute each stage of his mission with utmost precision. There is no Plan B.

The Poet has a way with words—and warfare. His voice echoes in thousands of homes worldwide, yet few have ever seen him. Endowed with a sharp mind and evil intent, the Poet has orchestrated many spectacular terror attacks in Asia and Africa. His latest mission has the Indian intelligence fraternity on its toes.

Ridden with risks, Operation Turquoise will bring the two men head to head—and only one will survive.

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Author Interview

When did you decide to become a writer?
My New Year resolution for 2015 was to write a book (at least attempt to write one). On 1 January that year, I got to work. 

Each completed chapter increased my confidence.

Without even realizing it, I had written a thriller and when it came down to explaining how the clues added up; I was flummoxed! But having come so far, I was determined to finish the book. And one day, after tossing many ideas out, I settled on one that fitted the story and wrapped up the novel.

The surreal feeling of having accomplished something impossible stayed with me for weeks. But it also brought a nagging thought; what if this was a one off miracle? What if I couldn’t write a second book? 

To allay my fears, I worked on another book. Completing that book gave me the confidence that I could tell many more stories. That is when I made writing my profession.

What are your ambitions for your writing career?
I look forward to the day when booksellers stock my books with the confidence of guaranteed returns and random readers purchase my books, knowing that they will get their money’s worth.

Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special?
In Operation Turquoise, my main character is a Major in the Indian Army. He is a Special Forces commando in India’s most secret anti-terror unit, the Special Group. Soldiers of this unit go by the name Mavericks. 

He faces death or capture at every turn. 

But if he dies, he doesn’t become a martyr like regular soldiers. He simply disappears from the face of the earth. The nation will not celebrate his velour, nobody will ever hear about his work. 

If an enemy captures him, nobody will negotiate for his release. He cannot appeal to anyone for help. His unit will delete all details about his past life. He will be expunged.

He has opted to be a Maverick with the full knowledge of all this. He is serving the nation without expectations of anything in return. That makes him special.

Do you have a special time to write or how is your day structured?

I write at the beginning of the day. Sometimes, if I am in the zone, I might continue late into the evening. But most often, I write for at least two hours a day.
Where do the ideas come from?
Everywhere. Business, politics, technology, environment, history … I read news and articles on many subjects every day. Some of this information stays in my mind, germinates and becomes characters, settings, plots etc.   

Do you work to an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?
Depending on whether it is a series or standalone, I prefer to begin with a broad outline or a crime and then go with the flow. 

Any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?
Embrace it. Even if we have hundreds of ideas flowing through the mind, there will be times when none of these ideas fit into the book we are writing or wish to write. That’s perfectly okay. Keep those ideas churning. Clarity will come soon.

What can we expect from you down the line?
Operation Turquoise launches The Mavericks Series. You can expect three more novelettes in this series followed by full-length novels. I also have a couple of standalone thrillers in the works. The next book in The Mohammeds Series should also launch within a year.

About the Author:
Rani Ramakrishnan writes contemporary thriller novels. In another lifetime, she was an entrepreneur, a management professional, a trainer, even an author of study materials for distance education. She is an occasional blogger and a regular bookworm. Two things influence her writing: people she met and the places she has visited.

She lives in Coimbatore, a picturesque city on the foothills of the Nilgiri Mountains, in South India. She loves the outdoors and of late, she has developed a healthy passion for marathons.

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